Action search results

Search is a tab under Actions.

This page displays the results when performing an action search and when someone has clicked on an action graph under Reports.

Search criteria

Displays all the parameters that are used for the search.

  • The drop-down menu for the departments can be used to change the departments from which the actions will be retrieved from. The Navigator can be used to change the department or the department and its subordinate departments from which the actions will be retrieved, depending on what you have selected in the drop-down menu for departments.
  • The New search button clears all the search parameters except from the department which is selected in the Navigator and opens the search page for actions.
  • The Expand search button opens the search page for actions with all the parameters listed above in the search criteria list set. You should use this button if you want to continue working with the current search.
  • Graphs: 2 drop-down menus that can be used to change the content or focus of the search and display the result under Reports.
    • Reports: Used to select the graph report type.
    • Category groups: The graph depends on the selected graph report type. When Per department / Per category and Per category / category group are selected, the graph shows an overview of the categories that belong to the selected category group. For the other graph report types, only actions with attached messages with checked categories of the selected category group are included in the graph.
  • Search: This button opens the Reports with the parameters set in this page.

Use of the table is explained in Actions.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)