Users that have answered the element

Function under the Activity plan. Used for seeing all the users and actions of a question. Opens from Graphs for the list.


  • The main heading shows for which activities the data are shown in the table below.
  • The second heading Users that have answered the element shows for which question in the list are the data shown in the table below.


  • Print: Prints the current screen.
  • Help: Opens this page.
  • Show actions / Show users: Toggles between displaying the actions done for this question and the users who have checked / answered this question.
  • Plan new action: Creates a new action for the point in the list that is described at the heading.
  • Show as pdf: Prints the current page to .pdf.
  • Close: Sends you back to the page where you came from.


  • Name: The name of the user.
  • Type: The user type.
  • Department: The department on which the answer is registered.
  • Registered date: The date when the answer was first registered.
  • Edit : Opens the answered list of the user.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)