Activity report tab worker

Activity report is a tab under Questionnaires for users having the simplified interface, and a function under Activity plan / Fill out and results for users having the complete interface.

Displays an overview of all the activities the user has participated in.

  • Activity group: Restricts the activities in the Activity drop-down menu to the activities from the selected activity group.
  • Activity: The answers that the user has provided for the selected activity will be shown in the table below.


  • Print: Prints the current screen.
  • Help: Opens this page
  • Show list: Shows the list associated with the selected activity in list version, as it looks like with the user’s answer.
  • Show as pdf: Prints the current page to .pdf.
  • Close: Closes this screen.


  • Displays a table for each topic in the list that has been answered. The topic name appears above each table.


Summing up of the answered list

  • Question: The question from the list that has been answered.
  • My answers (worker interface) / Answer (manager interface): The answer to the question. For survey forms the text of the selected alternative answer is displayed. For checklists, a checked checkbox is displayed. If the user has commented on his / hers response to a given question, the comment will show here.
  • Actions I participate in (worker interface) / Actions this user participates in (manager interface): If an action for this question has been created and the user is one of those who will execute it, a link to that action will appear here.
  • Other actions (worker interface) / Available actions (manager interface): If an action for this question has been created and the user is not one of those who will execute it, a link to that action will appear here.

All actions created for the selected activity

This table appears only in the manager interface.

  • Question: The question from the list to which the action is connected.
  • Action number: A unique identifier for the action.
  • Action name: The name of the action.
  • Department: The department on which the action is registered.
  • Status: The status of the action.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)