Annual plan

Annual plan is used to get an annual overview of activities. These can also be managed from here.
  • Year: Here you can select a year in order to see the list of all complete and incomplete activities that took place at the selected year.
  • Activity group:
    • Show all activities. All activities are shown in the table, regardless of the activity group.
    • List of all activity groups. If you select an activity group, only the activities of the selected activity group are shown in the table.
  • Selection of departments:
    • To be filled out on this department: Only activities that are to be filled out on the department which is selected in the Navigator are shown.
    • Created on subordinate departments: Only activities that were created on the subordinate departments of the one which is selected in the Navigator are shown.
    • Created on this and subordinate departments: All activities that were created on the department which is selected in the Navigator and on its subordinate departments are shown.

Headings in the activity table

  • Title: The name of the activity.
  • Reference:
  • Period: The timeframe for the activity.
  • From department: The department from which this activity will be answered.
  • Roles that will perform the activity: Roles attached to this activity (if any).
  • Status: For common activities, it shows the number of users who answered / the number of users who will participate in the activity. For repetitive activities, it shows the number of users who answered / number users who can participate / the total number of answers. The participation in the activity is also shown in a small bar chart. Completed activities are marked with “(Finished)”.
  • Comments: The number of comments to the activity. Opens the page Comments to the activity.
  • Edit: Lists all available-icons for each activity, see below.


  • Edit this activity: Opens the page Edit activity. For periodic activities, it opens the page Edit date when you are in one of the periods that appear when you have clicked on the RightArrow.gif icon in the Due date column.
  • Show printer friendly version: Appears only for activities that have a list attached to them. Opens the preview window to see how the list looks like in the Printer friendly version. In this window you can also choose to see the list in List form and in Single question view, as it will look when it is filled out.
  • View graph for the results of the checklist: Opens the Graphs for the list.
  • Edit date: Shows only for periodic activities.
  • Send reminder for (activity name): Opens the page Send reminder in a separate window.
  • Delete this activity: Deletes the selected activity. This icon is visible only if:
    • the selected department in the Navigator is the same as the department from which the activity was created, and
    • this activity has not been answered (for periodic activities there must not be any answers in any of the dates), and
    • the activity has not been completed (its end date has not passed).


  • New activity: Opens the New activity page to create a new activity.
  • Show as pdf: Prints the current page to .pdf.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)