Here you can manage the company’s users and user types. Active users can use the system normally. Deactivated users will not be able to log into the system, but the information they have submitted is available.
The page can also be used to send messages to all registered users.
What can I do here?
The ADMIN-tab gives me the possibility to make changes to Users. Notice the “Send to”-column on the right. Email messages can be sent from here. If you want to see (send to) all employees in the whole organisation: Click on the drop-down menu on the left, above the table. Select “This and subordinate departments”. If you want to see the roles the users have: Select Role overview in the second drop-down menu. That adds a new column to the table..
Drop-down menus
- Department selection:
- This department: Shows the users in the selected department.
- This and subordinate departments: Shows the users in the selected department and all the users in subordinate departments. If you are on the top section in the hierarchy and select this option, all the users in the system will be displayed.
- Information type selection:
- User information: Provides information about the users.
- Role overview: Provides information on which roles the users have. Only roles attached to the users are shown in the table, not user types.
- Role filter: Shown when role information is selected. Filters the list on the selected role.
- Gives hits on both roles attached to users and roles attached to user types.
- If a role group is selected, the same check as above is used for every role in the selected role group. Having one of the roles in the role group gives a hit.
- Role filter: Shown when role information is selected. Filters the list on the selected role.
Create message: Opens a panel where you can create and send messages. The same panel opens if you click the Select all users checkbox at the header of the table, next to the “Send to” title, or if you click on the
Remove message: Closes the message panel described above.
New user: Creates a new user and takes you to New user screen.
Print: Prints the active window.
Help: Opens this page.
Send message: Sends the written message to the selected users.
Export to .xlsx /
Export to .xls : Exports the list of users to an .xlsx or an .xls file respectively. The file can be opened with Microsoft Excel (.xlsx, .xls) or OpenOffice (.xls). The first row of the file contains the column headings. This button appears only when “User information” is selected in the second drop-down menu.
Takes you to the Edit user information screen to edit the selected user.
Activates / Deactivates the selected user, depending on whether you are under the tab Deactivated users or Active users respectively. When you deactivate a user, you get the option to transfer any open cases that are attached to the user. You also get the option to transfer or delete completely the rules that are attached to the user you just deactivated. The Undo button will reactivate the user if clicked, but it will not transfer the cases and / or rules back to the original user. It is possible to select different recipients for the various case types, with the limitation that they should all belong to the same department. Please note that you can transfer all the cases to users who can handle cases from the department which is selected in the Navigator, which usually is the department of the original user (or a department above it in the hierarchy, if the view This and subordinate departments is selected above the table). If you need to transfer the cases to users from another department, you can do that by first changing the department of the original user to the department of the users you want to transfer the cases to, and then go through the deactivation process.
Deletes the selected user. This icon only comes up if the tab Deactivated users is selected and this user has not answered any forms.
Indicates that the table is sorted by this column.
Sort the table by this column.
: Opens the field for creating and sending messages customized for sending a mobile login per SMS. This icon appears only if the mobile version is enabled for a customer and the user has a registered phone number.
When you move the cursor over the data of some of table columns, you may notice that it changes form. In some browsers it will look like this:
, while in others it will turn into the hand icon. That means that the table cell at that point is editable. If you click on it, you can edit the text directly from this page, without having to go to the Edit user information page first. Then you see the following icons:
: Saves the new text. You can also save the new text by simply pressing Enter on your keyboard.
: Cancels the change. The field takes its previous value.
: Undo. Appears after you have made and saved a change. The field takes its previously stored value.
- If the Undo button gets pressed after a user has been deactivated, that user will become active. Any cases or rules that were transferred or deleted when the user was deactivated will not be restored. They will remain transferred or deleted.
- Active users: Shows the active users of the department which is selected in the Navigator.
- Deactivated users: Shows the deactivated users of the department which is selected in the Navigator.
Message fields
- Message type: Used to determine what kind of message will be sent out.
- New password: The sent message contains a link to a page where the user is given his / her username and he / she can enter their own password. This is the same function as the “Forgotten password” on the login page. This is intended for distributing usernames and passwords when introducing the system.
- Mobile login: The sent message contains a link that logs the user right into the mobile version. This option only appears when the mobile version is enabled.
- Information: The sent message does not contain any particular link. This function is intended to be used for general notifications or messages.
- Send message as: Used to determine whether the message should be sent as email or SMS. SMS is only available if activated.
- Subject: The subject field in the email.
- Text field: Here you can write the message.
Send message: Sends the written message to the users that are selected in the Send to column of the table.
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