
Audit: inspection or review or examination of financial records.

In Qm+, the term audit means control of the quality system and is used for the process of reviewing and approving one or more documents. This applies both to reviewing the document content and the status.

Example: You read the document that describes a routine. Does the routine correspond to reality?

  • If yes, then the document has been revised.
  • If no, then you have to either change the practice of the company, or the document’s content must be rewritten so that the description corresponds to reality.

It is important to check if the document has newer versions than the one which is published. In that case, this will show in the list of documents that are associated with the audit.

What can I do in this page?

  • Set start date and due date for the audit.
  • Select the documents that will be included in this audit. Use the button Add documents to audit.
  • Click Save to create the audit.
  • Audited and Remove appear for every document that is added to the table.
    • Check Audited after you have read / controlled and possibly changed something in the document contents.
    • Check Remove if you want to remove the document from this audit (table) or if you regret auditing this document.
  • When all the documents have Audited checked, and you click Save, then the button Complete the audit appears. Click on it and the audit is completed.


  • Documents can have a warning date for the audit. The warning is sent to an audit responsible. The notified user or a manager / case handler on the same department or on a department above it can then create an audit or add the document to an existing audit.
  • Active documents can be freely added to audits even if they do not have an audit warning.
  • A document can only be associated with one open audit at a time.
  • An audit does not have its own hearings associated with it, but the page where you can edit an audit shows information about any hearings that the documents associated with this audit are part of.
  • To create a new hearing for a document that is part of an audit you have to open the Hearing / Approval tab in the Edit document data page. A saved audit shows direct links to the Edit document data page for each associated document.
  • Each audit for which the start date has passed is shown as a row in the Inbox / My current cases for the user who must perform the audit.
  • An audit is regarded as open until it is completed.
  • To complete an audit, all associated documents must be approved.
  • A completed audit can not be changed.


  • Audit creator. The user who created and will perform the audit.
  • Department. The department where the audit was created.
  • Start date. The date when the audit starts.
  • Due date. The due date for the audit.
  • Completed. The date when the audit was completed.
  • Information. Free text. Additional information for this audit. Use as needed. The content is displayed in the tables that show the audits.
  • Documents. An audit can have an unlimited number of documents associated with it. The audit date and the name of the user who did the audit for each document appear after a document has been approved.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)