Edit document data

Function under Documents for managing the data of documents.

What can I do here?

  • As a super user / manager I can add new documents.
  • I can choose whether the document will be retrieved from my own database: Click “Link”, or from a file: CliCk “File”.
  • Or I can write a document in the internal editor. Click on the tab “Document content”.


  • Document data: Used to edit the general information relating to a document. This is the first page you see when you create a new document.
  • Document content: Shows only for internal documents (document type: “Write a document”). Used if you wish to write or edit a document directly in Qm+. The document is saved as an HTML document and has some formatting options. The text edit field uses TinyMCE.
  • Process chart setup: Shows only when the document type “Process chart” is selected and the document has been saved at least once. Used to define the various fields in a process chart.
  • Role overview: Used to attach roles.
  • Version overview: Shows the overview of all versions, with the document at the current time, when it was changed and who made the change.
  • Hearing / Approval: Used to create a new hearing and decide who will participate and approve it.
  • Read and understood: Shows an overview of the status of all Read and understood activities the document has had.
  • Audit overview: Shows an overview of all the audits the document has had.
  • Reference overview: Shows an overview of all the references for the document.


  • Create new version: Creates a new version of the document.
    • Example: If a document is in version 3.14 and you click on this button, it will change version to 4.1.
    • Should be used before making major changes to the document.
    • Shows only for documents that have been saved at least once.
  • Save: Saves the changes made in the fields.
  • Close: Takes you back to the page you came from.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)