Fields submenu message form

Fields submenu message form is a tab under Edit message form.

This page is used to manage the text- and cost fields in the message form.

Text fields

A message form can have from 0 to as many text fields as needed.

  • Field name: The name above the field in the message form.
  • Hidden: Check this if the field should be hidden. The contents of the hidden text fields appear only under the Edit message page for the user who has registered the message and the user with the system role Access to hidden text fields who is also the case handler for that message. In the standard version, the user type Manager has that system role.
    • If the system role Access to hidden text fields is attached to the user type, access is given to the user only if (s)he is also the case handler for the specific message.
    • If the system role Access to hidden text fields is attached to the user, access is given to the user for all messages.

In all other screens, the content will only be shown as – hidden text field –.

  • Mandatory: Check this if the text field should be mandatory. This means that the field must have some content in order for the message to be saved.
  • Rows: How many rows the text field should have.
  • Columns: How many columns the text field should have. If 0, the text field will fill all the available space.
  • Delete: Click on this icon to delete the text field.
  • Add field: Used to create a new text field.

Cost fields

A message form can have 0, 1 or 2 cost fields.

  • Field name: The name above the field in the message form.
  • Delete: Click on this icon to delete the cost field.
  • Add field: Used to create a new cost field.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)