Form data

Form data is a tab under Edit message form.

This page is used to manage the general data of the message form.


  • Show for the language: Text fields in a message form like the Form name and the Button text can be set once for every language that is activated in the system.
  • Form name: Used to identify the message form in tables and lists.
  • Button text: Used to identify the message form by appearing on the button or in the drop-down menu under Inbox and Archive.
  • From department: The message form is available from this department and its subordinate departments.
  • Form type: The type of the message form. Either Message, Log or Risk. Appears only if the message type Log or Risk is activated.
  • Anonymous: Any message that will be registered anonymously will show the text “nn” instead of the name of the user who registered it. A message form can:
    • be not anonymous, default (Anonymous: No).
    • be anonymous (Anonymous: Yes).
    • have the check box of anonymity initially not checked (Anonymous: User’s choice, default no).
    • have the check box of anonymity initially checked (Anonymous: User’s choice, default yes).
  • Information: Text that appears when the user holds the cursor over the button or the drop-down menu under Inbox or Archive. This text also appears at the top of the message form when the message is registered in the Edit message screen.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)