Edit alternative group

Function under Survey forms.

Used to edit alternative groups.

  • Language: The alternative answers in an alternative group can be set once for each language that is enabled in the system.
  • Alternative groups overview: Every alternative group belongs to an alternative groups overview. Here you can choose which one.


  • Print: Prints the current screen.
  • Help: Opens this page.
  • New alternative answer: Opens a text field where you can write the name of a new alternative answer.
  • Delete alternative answer: Appears only when you click on an alternative answer.
  • Save: Saves the changes you have made. Use this once you have entered a new or edited an existing alternative answer.
  • Close: Closes this page and sends you back to Alternative groups or Edit alternative answers depending on where you came from.


  • Click on the text of an alternative answer to select it. The row in the table will be highlighted in red. Now you can edit the text or use the button Delete alternative answer.
  • : Move this alternative answer up in the alternative group.
  • : Move this alternative answer down in the alternative group.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)