Edit list content
Function that is used by all the lists for changing their content.
Available from Checklists, Risk analysis lists and Survey forms.
Displays a list of all the topics and questions that are included in the list. Topics have a dark yellow background, questions are light yellow and the selected element is red. Click on the text of a topic or question to select it.
If the list has been answered, it will not be possible to make any more changes other than sorting. Make a copy of the list if you wish to change it.
What can I do here?
- I can add questions in a survey form. Recommendation: Divide the questions into topics. Click on the “New topic” icon.
- I can add questions under each topic. Click on the “Add question” icon.
- I can also explain the background of the question. Click on the yellow pencil icon, and write the text in the text field that appears.
- I can select alternative answers. Click on the button: “Edit alternative answers”. Then a new page will open.
Drop-down menu
- Language: All the text fields in a list can be entered once for every language that is activated. When filling out the list, it will be shown to the user in the language (s)he has chosen. If the list was not created for that language, it will be shown in the language it was made.
Edit list information. Takes you to the Edit list information screen to edit the information on the selected checklist.
Edit alternative answers. Takes you to the Edit alternative answers screen to edit the content of the selected list. It is only possible to edit alternative answers in survey forms that were created on the department which is selected in the Navigator.
Preview. Opens the preview window to see how the list looks in the printer friendly version. In this window you can also choose to see the list in list form or as a series of single questions which is how it will look when it will be filled out.
Close: Closes the Edit list content page and takes you back to the page you came from (Checklists, Risk analysis lists or Survey forms).
Accept: Saves the changes.
Cancel: Cancels the changes.
New topic: Opens a text field where a new topic with comments can be entered. The topic is placed below the row with the icon that you clicked on.
Add question: Opens a text field where a new question with comments can be entered. The new question is placed under the selected question.
Edit: Opens a text field to edit the selected topic or question. It also opens a text field wherever a comment text on a selected topic or question can be entered. This comment will be displayed when the list will be filled out.
Delete topic: When a topic is deleted, all the questions in this topic are also deleted.
Delete: Deletes the selected question.
Sorting: Arrows move topics and questions a notch in the direction of the arrow.
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Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)