
Admin is a tab on the Main Page.

Admin is used for managing the system. The access is controlled by the system role Admin. In the standard version, all the managers have full access to edit all information within their own organisation. For some customers this option is limited and therefore they will not get all the tabs that are described below. Contact your local super user if you feel that you need additional rights.

All information displayed / posted via Admin will relate to the selected department in the Navigator.

What can I do here?

  • As a Super user, I have access to the ADMIN-tab. This tab opens new tabs where I can make changes in the organisation (navigator), add users in the departments, change the categories that will be inserted in message forms, create forms, add new managing documents, etc.
  • A click on each of the tabs under ADMIN provides access to new tabs.


  • Print: Prints the current screen.
  • Help: Opens this page.


  • Organisation
  • Users
  • Categories
  • Forms
  • Documents
  • Roles
  • Rules
  • Responsibilities

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)