
Help is a tab on the Main Page.

It is used to refer to the various guidance documents of Qm+. Documents marked as html and unlabeled documents open directly in the browser. Documents marked as ppt, pdf or doc need a browser that supports PowerPoint, pdf or Word files, and may take slightly longer to open.

Document types

Introduction documents

  • They deal with how to start with Qm+ in different types of companies.

Guidance documents

  • They go through the detailed functionality for the various user types.

Changes in the latest version

  • They contain a list of changes made in recent versions. It is particularly important that the super users keep up to date by reading the changes for each new version. Please contact us at when you have questions.


  • Print: Prints the current screen.
  • Help: Opens this page.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)