Sent to case handler
Tab under Messages/NC.
Sent to case handler shows all messages that have been transferred to a responsible person. This is used to find messages that you have sent away so that they are no longer available on your department. Which messages are shown in the table below is determined by the choices in the drop-down menus. Only messages registered in the last 3 months are shown in this screen. To see older messages, please use Reports or Search.
Drop-down menus
- All messages: If you select a message form, only messages originating in such a message form are shown.
- Message type:
- From a case handler in this department: Shows messages sent from a user on the department which is selected in the Navigator.
- From me: Shows messages sent by the logged in user.
- To a case handler in this department: Shows messages that have been assigned to a responsible person from the department which is selected in the Navigator.
- Registered on this department: Shows messages originally registered on the department which is selected in the Navigator.
- Status: Only messages with the selected status are displayed in the table.
- All states: All messages are shown.
- Message process: Only messages with the status New or Sent to case handler are shown.
- Action process: Only messages attached to an action that has not yet been approved are shown.
- Rejected: Only rejected messages are shown.
- When you click on a line of the main table, the selected message will open in the handling page.
- Hold the cursor over the + symbol in the first column to get more information about a message, including its history.
Expanded view /
Table: Switch between the expanded and the table view. The table gives a compact description of messages intended for use when working with them. The expanded view gives a more complete description of the messages, similar to the printer friendly (.pdf) version.
Show as pdf: Opens the Option page for reports, from which you can create a report with the related messages. This is intended for paper printing.
Change page: The arrows are used to change pages when there are more than 20 messages that can be shown in the table.
Sorting: The table is sorted by the column with the
. Click on the
to sort by another column.
Print: Prints the current page.
Help: Opens this page.
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Last modified November 30, 2021: adding files (dd06626)