
Probability is the first component of a risk value.

To reduce the risk value one must initiate Probability-reducing measures.

  • Example: Injury event. Possible Probability-reducing measures:
    • Proper and adequate training.
    • Using scaffolding rather than ladders when working at heights.
    • Covering of slippery outdoor areas in the winter.

The scale of probability in Qm+ is 1 - 5. The default values are:


  1. Less than one occurrence per 20 years

  2. One occurrence per 10 years

  3. One occurrence per year

  4. One occurrence per month

  5. One occurrence per week

Alternatively, customers can define their own texts. These are also available and can be used by setting the system preference RISKSCALE. Please note that the same set number will be used for both probability and consequence unless a different set number is defined for Consequence in the SPAN field.


  1. Very small probability

  2. Small probability

  3. Probable

  4. Very probable

  5. Significant probability


  1. Cat 1

  2. Cat 2

  3. Cat 3

  4. Cat 4

  5. Cat 5


  1. Incident that happens less than once every 60 years

  2. Incident that happens once between every 30 years and every 60 years

  3. Incident that happens once between every 10 years and every 30 years

  4. Incident that occurs once between 1 and every 10 years

  5. Incident that occurs more than once a year


  1. Very unlikely

  2. Unlikely

  3. Possible

  4. Likely

  5. Very likely


  1. Less than 1 incident per 20 years

  2. About 1 incident per 10-20 years or more

  3. About 1 incident per 10 years or more

  4. About 1 incident per year or more

  5. 10 incidents per year or more


  1. Less than 1 incident every 50 years

  2. Between 1 incident every 10 years and once every 50 years

  3. Between 1 incident every year and once every 10 years

  4. More than once every year

  5. 1 incident or more per month

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)