Option page for process reports
On this page you can select certain options for exporting a document of type Process chart to .pdf. Appears when you press the Show as pdf button from such a document.
- Include document heading: Select this option if you want the automatically generated document heading to be included at the top of the report. Preselected.
- Include notes: Select this option if you want the notes table to be included at the bottom of the report (if the process has attributes of type Note). Preselected. Shows only in Process chart view.
- Include responsibilities: Select this option if you want the Responsibility overview table to be included at the bottom of the report. Preselected. Shows only in Responsibility matrix view.
- Page size: You can select between A4, A3 and Automatic. If you select A4 or A3, the process chart will be automatically adjusted to fit in a single page of the selected size. If you select Automatic, the process chart will be displayed on a page that is adapted to its size. Shows only in Process chart view.
- Page orientation: You can select between Landscape and Portrait.
Create report: Creates the report with the selected options. Please note that you should not close this page before the report is ready, otherwise you will never see the report. After the new report opens, you can either change the selected options and create another report (same data, perhaps different view) or simply close this page.
Close: Closes the Option page for process reports.
Help: Opens this page.
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Last modified November 30, 2021: adding files (dd06626)