Action reports

Actions is a tab under Reports.

This page has three report types. Time per action and Timesheet for actions appear only if the option for Time registration for actions is activated. In all three reports, you can click on the name or number of the action to open it.

Action matrix

  • Report that shows the status for all open actions.
  • The colour codes for the status are shown above the table.
  • Click on the name of an action to open it.
  • Used together with the option for start time for actions, this report can be used to give an overview of the planned actions.
  • The overview starts 3 days before today’s date and includes the next 26 days.
  • The transition from today’s date to the next day is marked with a vertical black line.
  • The matrix is sorted by the action’s start date, if this is set. If not, the date the action was registered is used instead.

Time per action

  • Report that shows how much time has been registered on all actions in the selected period.
  • Actions without any registered time are not included in the report.
  • The report includes actions registered on or below the department currently selected in the navigator.
  • Shows per user and total.
  • The actions are ordered by action number.
  • This report is only available when the option for time registration on actions is activated.

Timesheet for actions

  • Report that shows how much time, in the selected period, has been registered per action per user per day.
  • Sums per day per user and total for all users.
  • This report is only available when the option for time registration on actions is activated.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)