User reports

Users is a tab under Reports.

Provides an overview of the logins and the document usage in the system in a given period of time. The overview depends on the selected report, the report type, the time frame and the period type.


  • Search: Updates the report with the selected time frame.
  • Report
    • Report for logins.
    • Report for document usage. Shows data for documents that have been opened, regardless of the page they were opened from (Info, Admin, Register new message or external use).
  • Report type
    • When “Report for logins” is selected in the first drop-down:
      • Login overview: Shows all the logins in a given period. The table can be sorted by Name (default) or Time, by clicking on the icon.
      • Login overview distributed over time: Shows the number of logins per user per period. The table is sorted by name.
      • Login data distributed over time: Shows the number of logins per period.
      • Average values for the period: Shows the average number of logins per period.
    • When “Report for document usage” is selected in the first drop-down:
      • Documents per user: Shows all the documents and the user who has opened them in a given period.
      • Documents per user over time: Shows how many documents each user has opened in each period.
      • Users per document over time: Shows how many users have opened each document in each period.
      • Documents over time: Shows how many documents have been opened in total in each period.
      • Average values for the period: Shows how many documents have been opened in average in each period.
  • Period type
    • Day
    • Week
    • Month
    • Year

Max 1000 rows are displayed in the table regardless of choice.

Last modified February 22, 2024: Trying to fix things (9a050d09)